Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I had a wonderful time at the gym this morning. I know that I have said this a hundred times, but I love Devoted Fitness. I know 'most' everyone that knows me has seen or heard me speak about it. But for those that might not know I thought I would share a video that really speaks about what it is and what it means to me as well as many others. 

Devoted Fitness

I am going to try something different for say maybe the next week and see how well it works for me. Mrs. Paula McKinney stated today in class that she has started having her "big" meal of the day at lunch and then having a smaller, lighter meal at supper time. That gives her the opportunity to work off the bulk calories that she has taken in during the day. I thought that is a marvelous idea! So I am going to try it. Starting today. We will see if it has an effect on my weight loss or my hunger levels before bed. 

Breakfast: apple( I meant to also eat a protein bar, but I totally forgot!)/acv water

Lunch: (left-overs) 2 chicken tenderloins and green beans/acv water

Supper: salad with 2 biscuits/acv water

Snacks: 3 apples

1 hr. devoted fitness, 23 min. on the elliptical, and I split some wood and filled our wood box.
Total steps: 12,189
3 qt. 

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