Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Monday, March 3, 2014

Well, last night we got a lot of sleet and snow, so no gym for us :( We have snow drifts around our house that are like 3-4 ft! ( I know all my northern friends....we are a bunch of weenies, lol) I seem to be in a bit of a slump....particularly with keeping up with my blog and being as strict as I was with my eating. I am still eating good, but I have added a lot of "whites" back in, or not necessary "added" them back in, I'm just not controlling myself and eating them. Also with my fitness pal. Though I do think I am going to take a break from it, it just got real annoying trying to enter everything I ate on there, then on here, and also using my Striiv..... So I'm going to quit using that for now. I'm just going to focus on eating healthy and exercising and using the Striiv app. Too bad there isn't an app that could just count your calories as they hit your stomach lol....

Breakfast: 3 biscuits, 1 piece of sausage/ chocolate milk

Lunch: salad with ranch, apple/water

Supper: taco night! I had a plates of tortilla chips w/ meat and cheese and 1 taco/ acv water

nothing worthy of mentioning....just some housework.
Total Steps: 4,533

1 qt. 

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