Well, my poor friend is still stranded in Allensville, so no devoted fitness for us today. My poor mom couldn't get her car out, so I took her to work this morning and then the girls and I went to the gym. BOY did that feel good! I need a dark room with a screen that simulates jogging outside with wonderful ambient sounds....hmmm, dreamy!! I will SO be doing that once Spring is finally HERE! It also feels good that I am actually caught up on my blog! I do not like getting behind. It always seems like I can't ever find the right time to come back and sit down and just spend some time on here. However, my worst depressive self comes out when I fall behind on things, I just start feeling so overwhelmed and it just weighs on me like a TON of bricks man. I have REALLY got to stay on top of this thing. On another note, my house is mostly clean all the time now, instead of the other way around. I am really liking the fact that I have the energy and the initiative to keep things cleaned up and looking nice. Now I do still have some clutter issues, but I am slowly working through them....I think lol. Either way, LOADS better than where I was. No church this evening with everything still being so slushy outside. SO many people are constantly getting stuck in this mess. Earlier while we were at the gym, we seen 5 semis stuck....smh....
It's hard to believe that tomorrow is weigh in day!!
Breakfast: energy bar, apple, banana/ spring water
Lunch: Salad with ranch/ spring water ( I'm out of stevia ) :(
Supper: 3 pieces of deer steak and Heather's potatoes( my sweet daughter made supper tonight)
13 min. JOGGING on treadmill, 20 min. on elliptical, 20 min. doing a calorie burner program on the treadmill. and I did some stomach crunches.
2 qt.