Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

So, yesterday I was pleasantly surprised at how good I felt. I mean I had energy!! I had PEP IN MY STEP!! lol....and I seriously think that it could be the acv water. I did have one cup of coffee yesterday, but I really don't think it was from that. So today....a little experimentation...No coffee. Just acv water and see how I feel... I would love to eliminate coffee from my diet! On another note, I found an app on my iphone that is a pedometer!! Oh yeah! I will love to see how many steps that I take in a day, or a good average at least. I have heard that 10,000 steps is a good target, so that is what I am aiming for :) Wish I would have found it before yesterday! I was running around all over this house! lol. I am also going to start keeping track of my water intake. I know one thing.... I will be GLAD when spring comes. All this cold weather puts a big damper on exercising! Grr... Update on App....it's amazing!! It is called Striiv and I LOVE it, it has challenges for you to complete and that alone had me moving like crazy today to accomplish them :) It can also sync with my fitness pal so they work together and I don't have to enter my exercise manually :):):)

Breakfast: Spinach and  mozzarella scrambled eggs with 1 Tbsp. wheat germ on top and one orange with ACV WATER :) 

Lunch: I had beef and cabbage soup with a small saucer of tortilla chips with cheese and 1 piece of chicken tenderloin on top./ acv water

Supper: I had pork tenderloin with mixed veggies/ acv water

Snack: I shared an orange with Emma and had a couple bites of a cereal snack that I made the kids to tie them over till supper.

45 min. of devoted fitness and all together I have walked 9195 steps today and I am SO going to reach my 10,000 before bed!
4 qts. acv/lemon water
I have felt amazing today....there is something DEFinitely in the water ;)

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