Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday, February 9, 2014

I always love Sundays :) I was blessed to help with another baptism this morning. Today is also my birthday! I am 33! UGH! I really don't remember getting THIS old, lol! To celebrate we went to East Meets West. I ate very modestly even though my stomach kept saying it's your birthday you have a good reason to splurge..... I had quite the surprise while there though. We had the Rives/Young family sitting behind us and Ashley mentioned to the waitress that today was my birthday, so here goes the music and the waitress comes out singing, along with my crew....and the Rives/Young crew....It. Was. Loud. My face was so RED! lol, I am sure everyone in there knew it was my birthday! Special memories to cherish later.....I am thankful to God for another wonderful year with my family and blessed to be able to celebrate another birthday. I am also thankful for His many mercies and patience He has had with me. I am thankful for Him laying my weight on my heart so heavy and I am thankful He has been faithful to be there to help me overcome all my temptations. I tell you, I was tempted today harder than I have been in quite a while..... East meets west??? Nope. Today was our day to bring breakfast, and I insisted on bringing something healthy for us all to eat along with our normal donuts. I was fine through Sunday school and church, but when we got ready to leave and we went in to retrieve the leftovers/trash....there they were... TWO CHOCOLATE COVERED DONUTS!( my favorite) and they weren't just calling my name....they were SCREAMING my name!!! I could almost taste their amazingness as I imagined biting into that soft sweet chocolate covered dough.... I was in full blown CRAVE mode!  I hurried up and promised them to the kids after they ate their lunch so that they were spoken for and I would feel obligated to NOT eat them. Jacob ate his after we got home and Heather decided she was still too full from lunch to eat hers. So there is still a lone chocolate donut in the kitchen. But I am refraining! This is a matter of will power and self-control. I refuse to let ANYTHING control me except my Father. That donut in there will not win! I might even let it sit in there for days so that I can practice self-control. My palate cannot control what I eat anymore, that is how I ended up where I am. If I am to REALLY change, where when I finally reach my goal I can maintain it, I have got to conquer food. Period. I can enjoy food, but on MY terms, not it's terms! 

Breakfast: Banana, apple, a little cup of pineapple, grapes, and apple slices./acv water
Lunch: mushrooms, 2 egg rolls, broccoli, 1 teriyaki chicken, grilled chicken, and a salad. and my little whatever it was they brought me out for my birthday...(it was not cake like at all) lol

Supper: Tortilla chips, deer meat, and cheese

 nothing particular but so far 4,153 steps for the day.
2 1/2 qts. 

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