Monday, February 17, 2014

Monday, February 17, 2014

Boy, today has not started off well. Last night, Heather and Jacob began to feel bad and started throwing up, and was sick pretty much the whole night. They seem to be doing somewhat better this morning, but both are still not feeling well and Jacob doesn't want to eat. Unfortunately, Emma seems to be feeling sick this morning also. Right now it is lunch time and all are sleeping. Praying that they start feeling better soon. I would have liked to have gone to the gym today, but that obviously isn't going to happen now, and though I would have LOVED to play volleyball, I guess it's a good thing that we don't have a game tonight. I can stay home and tend to my babies! I'm hoping Eric and I don't get whatever it is that they have!
Breakfast: Sort of missed breakfast while tending to my little ones....

Lunch: salad with ranch

Supper: Since I didn't have many calories at all today, and I'm not feeling well, we had McDonalds for supper and I had 2 bacon cheddar mcchickens.

Snack: apple, orange, 2 graham crackers and a handful of crushed walnuts.

Really wasn't feeling up to exercise and I was also busy taking care of sick kiddos.
Total Steps: 2,489
1 1/2 qt. water


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