Good morning :) So yesterday I said that I was taking on the challenge of always keeping a water bottle with me and drinking!! I drank at least 3 qt. possibly 4 qts of water yesterday!! ( I really like the acv drink! ) Now I soooo paid for that last night while I was *trying* to sleep....I got up 4 or 5 times last night to go potty (mommy talk, lol) I was like REALLY??! You would have thought I was 9 months pregnant or something lol. Warning: TMI coming lol....I have also have also had several *other bathroom visits, so my thoughts are that the lemon/acv are really cleaning my body out. Which is totally awesome, though I might have to cut off my water at a certain time before A girl needs her sleep! I must say, the Lord has definitely taken several of my mountains and made them little bumps. I do not *crave* bad food anymore. Don't misunderstand me, I still could devilishly delight in wolfing down a bowl of ice cream, or over-indulge in a bag of Doritos....but the desire no longer consumes me. It no longer has it's grasp around my mind. I don't battle within myself anymore. I simply choose to not have it, and thats it. No gut-wrenching fight inside of me trying to control myself. I will add the disclaimer that this is the case *MOST* of the time. I have no doubt, that as I am presented with different foods here and there, certain ones I might experience that fight again, but it is a battle that I am winning, day by day! Praise God! He has done exactly what He done when I quit smoking. He has been faithful and gracious to me that when I have asked, He has made my burdens light. What a wonderful and loving God we serve. I wish I would have done this years ago. Why do we so often say Lord I will give you reign over this....but not that. Or we give Him some of our battles and yet others never think to ask Him for help. Or instead of asking for help to overcome our problems, we just want Him to *POOF* them away. I am thankful for His unconditional love as He patiently waits for His children to come to Him. Back when I was first saved, I would compare serving Him to a merry-go-round. You're either on (In God's control) or you're off (in your own control). You cannot ride with one foot on and one foot off, you will fall every time. It just doesn't work. In my own perspective, that is still SO true! If I step one foot off, I just fall off. Notice... you never fall ON a merry-go-round...only off. That is when my burdens get so heavy and my heart feels as though it can't take anymore! Then, I jump back on, and the Lord takes over and eases my heart. Thank You Father. Thank You!
Breakfast: 1/2 banana ( it was early and I went back to bed)
starting the day off right!(sort of) |
Lunch: A bowl of squash and cabbage soup/acv water, coffee
squash and cabbage soup :) YUMM! |
Supper: 2 deer burgers and the rest of my salad I had premixed. With one piece of chicken tenderloin sliced on it.
I was so intent on exercising, but I just ended up doing house chores all day.
3 qts. acv/lemon water
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