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316 lbs.!!! |
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Weekly weigh-in and pic 2/27/14
Stepped on the scale this morning and I am now 316 lbs. YAY! I have not controlled myself as well as I would have liked this week, but glad I still got 2 lbs. off! This is WONDERFUL!
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Today has been a good but busy day, I had gym this morning, then grocery shopped, which seemed to take forever! And then church :) I am tired and ready to sleep!
Breakfast: hurrying out the door I grabbed 2 graham crackers, and an apple.
Lunch: 1 grilled onion burger from McDonald's
Supper: 2 chicken tenderloins and green beans
Snack: apple, and a small bit of fudge
1 hr. devoted fitness, 20 min. on the elliptical
Total steps: 11,604
2 qt.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Today was a good day, I went to my best friends house and helped her clean because she hurt her back :/ Then I came home, cleaned some and started supper and then went to the rec center for a volleyball game.
Breakfast: 2 eggs and an apple
Lunch: lettuce wrapped cheeseburger
Supper: 3 pcs. of grilled chicken and green beans
Snacks: lots of kale chips and some grapes
Volleyball game
Total steps 10,043
1 qt.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Monday, February 24, 2014
Well, today was an ok day, I had lots of grape to freeze so the majority of my day was spent sitting and picking them off their stems.... I did however have volleyball practice tonight, ohhhh I'm sore lol....
Breakfast: well I had 2 apples and alot of grapes :)
Lunch: salad
Supper: 3 chicken tenderloins and green beans and corn on the cob
Volleyball practice and total steps 5,021
Not even a qt!
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Today has been a lovely day! Sunday's always are :) I eased up a little this weekend and allowed myself to have some sweets and today I noticed that my temptation to eat unhealthy has grown again. I was to a point where it wasn't bothering me anymore, but I guess I got comfortable and started to relax some, and well....here I am again. Battling my flesh that wants to taste and try everything in sight! I had a fear come over me that my old self, the sprinter, was kickin in, that I would fall away from my journey and creep back into my old ways and slowly become stagnant again. That has happened SO many times in the past. That is depressing. But, I prayed and asked God to keep me strong on my path, keep me focused on my goals and looking forward, not backward. This time IS different. I'm not doing it on my own. I have my Father that is by my side. He will guide me and pick me back up when I fall. Thank you Jesus! Yesterday, I indulged by choice. Today, my flesh tempted and I gave in. I didn't eat horrible or anything, but I did have some sweets that I battled myself for and ended up giving in to eating them.:(
Breakfast: apple and some sausage balls/acv water
Lunch: 2 plates of salad with ranch and some cinnamon dough stuff/ pink lemonade
nothing particular but hit my steps
Total steps: 10,059
2 qt.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Saturday, February 22, 2014
What a lovely day today turned out to be!! Went to a friend's fathers farm and went on a hike while the men cut wood, that was tiring but wonderful! I love being outside in God's creation! After that we went home momentarily and then went to a fellowship gathering with many friends and ate supper and played volleyball!! Wonderful day! I am SO tired though! Looking forward to laying down on my pillow and also going to church in the morning!
Breakfast: 2 eggs, apple, grapes/ acv water
Lunch: kale chips and one German bologna sandwich with cheese.
Supper: 2 burgers with lettuce, tomato and cheese. Vegetable chips, sweet potato chips and some potato/salad...it was a salad with potato salad in it lol. I also indulged some and had a little chocolate ice cream, some sort of cookie, and 2 bites of a cherry pie dish?. Not sure, but it was all very good.
Snacks: grapes, apple
A nice hike and volleyball
Total steps: 15,127
2 qt.
Friday, February 21, 2014
Friday, February 21, 2014
Phew, I must say, I'm glad this day is over! Seems my definition of busy keeps being redefined!! Today's meals were sparatic to say the least! No real form or fashion. Just intermittent eating when I was hungry. I was so afraid that I would have ended up being way over on my calories, but I wasn't even close! So in that regard, I did well. Going to get some MUCH desired sleep!
Breakfast: oatmeal
Lunch: chili
Supper: McDonald's chicken and bacon wrap
Snack: raisin bran cereal, grapes, apple
1 hour devoted fitness, 20 min. on elliptical, racquet ball.
Total steps: 11,860
3 qt.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Today was a good day, a wonderful weigh in this morning. I was pretty busy all day, unfortunately some of it involved sitting at the computer typing lesson plans, so I didn't reach my goal today :( But I have gym tomorrow so I will not have a problem hitting it then! Unintentionally missed breakfast again this morning, I just wasn't hungry, then when I did get hungry I was busy! I know I gotta start eating better!
Breakfast: nada
Lunch: grilled chicken salad/acv water
Supper: chili with mozzarella cheese/ acv water
Snack: a couple small handfuls of semisweet chocolate chips. One graham cracker
Helped my mom move two loads of wood over to her house in our wood cart.
Total steps: 4,865
3 qt.
Weekly weigh-in and pic 2/20/2014
EEK! I stepped on the scale this morning and it said.......318lbs. ! WOO HOO!!! 4 lbs. this week!! I am ecstatic! That makes a total of 16 lbs. lost since I started my journey! Praise God! Thank you for helping me lose this much so far and thank You for Your promise to stay by my side while I keep on my journey! Today is a great day!!
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317 lbs.!! |
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Today has been a lovely day so far, I have some kale chips in the oven and I'm fixing to enjoy me a chicken salad for lunch. Today we were blessed to have my sister Brianna join us for class today. We also have a sweet lady named Anika that started not feeling well so she had her husband come pick her up. Prayers for her please.
Breakfast: 2 cinnamon graham crackers and a cheese stick/ water
Lunch: a grilled chicken salad/acv water
Supper: I had a french dip and swiss from Arby's/ acv water.
( I GOT to quit eating out!!)
( I GOT to quit eating out!!)
1 hr. devoted fitness and 30 min. on the elliptical, along with completing other random challenges on striiv.
Total Steps:11,068
1 hr. devoted fitness and 30 min. on the elliptical, along with completing other random challenges on striiv.
Total Steps:11,068
2 qt.
went to sonic for ice and left there with nothing but ice :) lol
went to sonic for ice and left there with nothing but ice :) lol
Monday, February 17, 2014
Monday, February 17, 2014
Boy, today has not started off well. Last night, Heather and Jacob began to feel bad and started throwing up, and was sick pretty much the whole night. They seem to be doing somewhat better this morning, but both are still not feeling well and Jacob doesn't want to eat. Unfortunately, Emma seems to be feeling sick this morning also. Right now it is lunch time and all are sleeping. Praying that they start feeling better soon. I would have liked to have gone to the gym today, but that obviously isn't going to happen now, and though I would have LOVED to play volleyball, I guess it's a good thing that we don't have a game tonight. I can stay home and tend to my babies! I'm hoping Eric and I don't get whatever it is that they have!
Breakfast: Sort of missed breakfast while tending to my little ones....
Lunch: salad with ranch
Supper: Since I didn't have many calories at all today, and I'm not feeling well, we had McDonalds for supper and I had 2 bacon cheddar mcchickens.
Snack: apple, orange, 2 graham crackers and a handful of crushed walnuts.
Snack: apple, orange, 2 graham crackers and a handful of crushed walnuts.
Really wasn't feeling up to exercise and I was also busy taking care of sick kiddos.
Total Steps: 2,489
Total Steps: 2,489
1 1/2 qt. water
1 1/2 qt. water
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Today was a good day. Our pastor had a wonderful message this morning in church. We had a delicious and nutritious breakfast in ss and after church we went and ate at Las Fuentes :) I did good, I ordered a taco salad and I didn't eat the shell.
Breakfast: bowl of raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, and bananas and I also had a serving of a breakfast casserole.
Lunch: Steak taco salad w/o shell and some tortilla chips and cheese
Supper: brown rice with lemon pepper fish
snack: orange
snack: orange
I only got in 2,631 steps....but it's Sunday, so it was a good day of rest :)
2 qt.
No shell with my salad
No shell with my salad
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Today all seems to be well again, YAY! Everyone is feeling better and back to their normal self! I stepped on the scale this morning and had a pleasant surprise, though I'm not gonna say what it was till Thursday! Also very excited that I have a volleyball game tonight! Glad to be feeling better and now to get myself moving so I can reach my steps goal today. I haven't hit 10,000 in 3 DAYS!
Breakfast: Emma and I shared a banana and I had a bowl of leftover fish and rice/ acv water.
Lunch: breakfast was more like brunch lol
Snack: 1 1/2 graham cracker and a small handful of chocolate chips.
Volleyball game
Total steps: 10,202
2 qt.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Saturday, February 15, 2014
So, confessional time. I have a sweet tooth. Not for cakes, brownies, or pies... For candy! I love candy. And with Valentines and having candy from our valentines party.... Ummmm yeah, I had a lot of candy. My flesh prevailed and honestly I didn't even fight it, it was just instant gratification I wanted, and I got it. Over and over and over again. I was defeated last night and today. As far as actually eating food, I'm still doing great, but oh my, I wasn't ready for the temptation of candy. I am humbled by this, my victorious stand was short lived. But that's ok, tomorrow is a new day and with it, another opportunity to stand. I pray The Lord would give me the strength I need to stand back up and keep moving forward.
Breakfast: 2 eggs, orange/ acv water with orange peel
Lunch: salad with ranch dressing, also half piece of german bologna
Supper: 2 hamburgers with lettuce as the bun and cheese 1/2'd on each.
Also a 1/2 of a hotdog( it was my favorite kind!)
Snacks: candy. a lot. Apple, zucchini bread.
It was a busy day, not any "intentional" exercise.
Total steps:
2 qt.
Something that has dawned on me tonight, I don't want my blog to only show my failures and none of my victories, because....well, sometimes all you need is to see that you CAN do it, and that you have in the past to keep you going. So I am going to create a list of daily victories. Things that I could have given into, but I didn't. So here are today's...
No cake and ice cream at Austen's b-day party!
No soda pop. I drank water instead! GO ME!!
Friday, February 14, 2014
Friday, February 14, 2014
Happy Valentines Day!!! Boy has today been busy! I had gym this morning, then went and ran some errands, had a home school valentines skating party, then came home and picked up the hubby, then went to Lowes, then went to Payless, and then to Zaxby's for supper, ate and then took a shower, and now....Agh....finally relaxing for a min. However, short lived as I will be helping Eric put up new attic stairs soon. I am ready for the weekend I tell ya! I am tired, but looking forward to a restful weekend.
Breakfast: 2 slices of zucchini bread, and a banana/ acv water
Lunch: Arby's salad(kids had pizza at the party)
Supper: Zaxby's salad( which when I looked it up....really isn't that great...475 calories without the dressing! so my salad supper ended up being 795 calories with the dressing!) But...it was good! lol
1 hr. devoted fitness, 30 min. elliptical, and about 15 min. on the treadmill
Total steps:13,895
2 qt.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Today is a great day, I had a wonderful weigh in this morning and I am feeling good! I don't have a lot on my agenda today, so cleaning, school and just trying to keep moving will be the plan. I am so thankful that the Lord has given me SO many people and tools to keep me encouraged and give me initiative to keep on trucking, Usually this would be about the time when my enthusiasm starts dwindling a little... as I am a sprinter, NOT a marathon runner. I can bust out of the gates with amazing speed and run HARD, but by my third or fourth lap....well, I'm barely walking and by the 5th, I'm back sitting in the stands cheering everyone else on. But, with my blog, my best friend, my Jamie letting me use her old iphone, my fitness pal app and my striiv app, and most importantly God being with me and giving me strength when I'm so tired and my muscles ache....I am still going strong and I know that as long as I continue to turn to my Father when I am weak, He will carry me till I am strong enough to stand again. Thank you Father. Now to get myself MOVIN!! :)
Breakfast: a banana, an orange, and a strawberry, grape, and mixed grains protein shake.
Lunch: veggie soup and a cheese stick
Supper: Arby's Farmhouse chicken salad with ranch dressing
45 min. devoted fitness and then cleaned and so on
total steps: 14,314
total steps: 14,314
4 qt.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
weekly weigh in and pic 2/13/2014
What a beautiful day it is outside!! So beautiful it is making my ability to get a good picture near impossible in my normal spot. So I thought well, since it is SO beautiful, I'll just take my picture outside in it :) Still isn't the greatest picture, but it's the best we could do :) This morning I stepped on the scale and I am now 322 lb.!!! YA! 3 lbs. lost this week! So far I have lost 12 lbs! Thank you Lord! What an amazing accomplishment! 12 lbs. in 4 weeks! I reached my goal and surpassed it! 3 MORE POUNDS AND I WILL BE IN THE TEENS!!! I cannot describe how much that excites me!
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322 lbs. |
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322 lbs. |
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Today has been a wonderful day!(so far) lol... I had gym this morning and was blessed to have Jamie there with me!! Jamie, Sheryl, Kimmie, Jana, Paula, Heather(my), Theresa.....and of course Cathy!! Wonderful class this morning! SO blessed to have so many wonderful ladies to work out with! The Lord is blessing me so much through this journey, and it really has just begun! I'm only in my first month and the Lord has equipped me generously to sustain myself. I feel wonderful! My heart is overjoyed at what lies in my future. I have NEVER wanted to be where I am, but I never had the grit to fight it, I have just allowed it to slowly happen. I feel as though I have been fighting up a mountain and I have FINALLY reached the top and crested over. Working out is still HARD on me, but now...after the class I don't feel like a MACK TRUCK just hit me and I can't move anymore. I feel like..."that was hard...but I can do more". When I get home, I don't have the urge to just go to bed and lay there the rest of the day. I have PEP! I want to clean, organize, just keep moving. I am praising God and I know that as I lose more weight, the better it will be! Which is unfathomable to me right now because I feel as though I've reached the TOP! Giving glory to my Father that sustains me and has carried me through all those rough days to where I am now!
Breakfast: 2 eggs, and a banana/ acv water
Lunch: SBD Taco soup, acv water with orange peel in it( oh wow, even better!!) Thanks Cathy!!
Supper: same as Lunch, church night so we were in a hurry, after church I had 3 biscuits with deer steak. I also had a little handful of walnuts and chocolate chips.
1 hr. devoted fitness, 21 min. on the elliptical and random challenges throughout the day on my striiv app. Total steps: 14,644
5 qt.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Well, today has been a busy day for me. Emma had her 1 yr. check up this morning, then went to the bank, paid some bills, then stopped by a friends for a sec, then came home and busted up the ice off our sidewalk, fixing to eat lunch now and then get Emma down for a nap, School, fold clothes, sweep, and whatever else I end up cleaning and I also have volleyball practice tonight :) Busy day, and I feel great! The amount of energy I have been having recently astonishes me! It excites me to no end!!! I just want to keep going! I love it! Looking forward to volleyball tonight and devoted fitness in the morning!!! Praise God!
Breakfast: Banana ( another busy morning)
Lunch: beef and cabbage soup....YUM!,
cheese stick and an orange.
Supper: deer steak, carrots and green beans, orange
Today I had a 2 hour volleyball practice and my total steps 12,141
2 qts.
Monday, February 10, 2014
Today has been an exciting day :) My sister(Jamie) joined the gym today!!! Now I have ANOTHER work out buddy!! I am so excited for the days and weeks and months to come. Thinking of how much weight I will have lost.....the REALITY that at some point I will reach my goal and be 200lbs. is almost unbelievable to me. I have been overweight for so long. The last time I seen 200lbs. was when I was probably 19 or 20. I will be in AWE of my accomplishments! I wish I would have done this a long time ago! I have to thank my best friend Cathy for motivating me. She helped start the fire in my heart to lose weight and be healthier. I know it hasn't been easy for her, I have been working out with her since October but I wasn't controlling my eating habits. I was exercising simply for the enjoyment of it. I was seeing some change in my fitness level, but not much at all as far as my weight. Since I have started controlling my eating, I have lost 9 lbs.! She has acknowledged my improvements and pushed me to keep going, not to stop or be stagnant the entire time and gave me gentle nudges here and there about my eating. I am so blessed that God has placed her in my life.
Breakfast: Banana( I was in a hurry) lol
Lunch: Salad with ranch dressing and an orange
Supper: Veggie soup/ diced turkey ham and cheese
Snacks: orange, banana, 1/4 cup walnuts, 2 cheese sticks, and I splurged and had a little homemade vanilla ice cream.
Snacks: orange, banana, 1/4 cup walnuts, 2 cheese sticks, and I splurged and had a little homemade vanilla ice cream.
25 min. on the elliptical, 20 min. on weights, and another 15 min. on the treadmill. I was surprised that I was able to get my speed up to 3.3 and did some jogging. I haven't been on the treadmill in a while, but the last time I was 2.5 was pushing it for me. I also had a volleyball game :) my total steps 11,408!!
2 qts.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Sunday, February 9, 2014
I always love Sundays :) I was blessed to help with another baptism this morning. Today is also my birthday! I am 33! UGH! I really don't remember getting THIS old, lol! To celebrate we went to East Meets West. I ate very modestly even though my stomach kept saying it's your birthday you have a good reason to splurge..... I had quite the surprise while there though. We had the Rives/Young family sitting behind us and Ashley mentioned to the waitress that today was my birthday, so here goes the music and the waitress comes out singing, along with my crew....and the Rives/Young crew....It. Was. Loud. My face was so RED! lol, I am sure everyone in there knew it was my birthday! Special memories to cherish later.....I am thankful to God for another wonderful year with my family and blessed to be able to celebrate another birthday. I am also thankful for His many mercies and patience He has had with me. I am thankful for Him laying my weight on my heart so heavy and I am thankful He has been faithful to be there to help me overcome all my temptations. I tell you, I was tempted today harder than I have been in quite a while..... East meets west??? Nope. Today was our day to bring breakfast, and I insisted on bringing something healthy for us all to eat along with our normal donuts. I was fine through Sunday school and church, but when we got ready to leave and we went in to retrieve the leftovers/trash....there they were... TWO CHOCOLATE COVERED DONUTS!( my favorite) and they weren't just calling my name....they were SCREAMING my name!!! I could almost taste their amazingness as I imagined biting into that soft sweet chocolate covered dough.... I was in full blown CRAVE mode! I hurried up and promised them to the kids after they ate their lunch so that they were spoken for and I would feel obligated to NOT eat them. Jacob ate his after we got home and Heather decided she was still too full from lunch to eat hers. So there is still a lone chocolate donut in the kitchen. But I am refraining! This is a matter of will power and self-control. I refuse to let ANYTHING control me except my Father. That donut in there will not win! I might even let it sit in there for days so that I can practice self-control. My palate cannot control what I eat anymore, that is how I ended up where I am. If I am to REALLY change, where when I finally reach my goal I can maintain it, I have got to conquer food. Period. I can enjoy food, but on MY terms, not it's terms!
Breakfast: Banana, apple, a little cup of pineapple, grapes, and apple slices./acv water
Lunch: mushrooms, 2 egg rolls, broccoli, 1 teriyaki chicken, grilled chicken, and a salad. and my little whatever it was they brought me out for my birthday...(it was not cake like at all) lol
Supper: Tortilla chips, deer meat, and cheese
nothing particular but so far 4,153 steps for the day.
2 1/2 qts.
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Well, today was a good day. We had about 2-3in. of snow on the ground so we were able to go outside and play in the snow! Emma got her first snow experience today :). It was cute! I really love the striiv app I downloaded. It has wonderful ways to keep you motivated to move....like my "Lemur Land", and the challenges that it gives motivates me to take another step. I have did circles around my kitchen table, made a walking track through my house, offered to run the cart back to the bin....and tonight we went to Lowes. Usually I HATE going to Lowes with Eric because he likes to find what he needs on his own. I, on the other hand, am the exact opposite(usually) and I will ask someone where something is so I can find it faster. Tonight....I wanted him to take all the time he needed lol. I would start a challenge say 100 steps in 3 min. and then walk.... when I completed that one, I would start another...50 steps in 1 min....and on and on and on! It has motivated me to stay movin! Before I know it I have hit my 10,000 steps for the day. Love it!
Breakfast: 2 poached eggs, 1 apple/ acv water
Lunch: Squash soup with cheese, orange/acv water
Supper: Taco salad(with whole grain tortillas, lettuce, tomatoes, deer meat, cheese, and plain yogurt)/acv water
45 min. of devoted fitness(home) and total of 10,392 steps!
2 qts.
Friday, February 7, 2014
Friday, February 7, 2014
Phew, today has worn me out! I Was ecstatic today to be able to go to the gym! And had a wonderful surprise to see a dear friend, Paula come to class. By the time I left, I was only about 1000 steps shy of my 10000!! After gym, school, then grocery shopping then finally home... And then cleaning... I will be happy to hit that pillow tonight! I am already over 12,000 steps for the day!
Breakfast: orange, 2 poached eggs/ acv water
Lunch: salad with ranch, bacon bits, and wheat germ/ acv water
Supper: 2 mcchickens, one no bread( i took one patty and put it on the other sandwich)/water
1 hour of devoted fitness, 20 min. on the elliptical, and a total of 12,533 steps!
3 qts
Thursday February 6, 2014
So today has gotten off to a late start, I had a bit of a late night last night, with my hyper Emma lol, but God worked things out perfectly so my mom and I could go check on one of my sisters. Prayer for answers please. So since I had a late morning, I skipped breakfast and had lunch, lol. I am excited to see how this week goes with having my fitness pal and my Striiv together. I cannot say enough how much I love that app!!! Along with my acv water, this will be my third day no coffee only drinking the acv water and I feel wonderful. So, I am happy to eliminate coffee from my daily routine! Ready to get my day started and get a lot of things done around here and step my way to 10,000 today! :)
( so I decided since I was going to the gym tomorrow I would rest my legs some, so only 7,143 for today, but thats still good!)
( so I decided since I was going to the gym tomorrow I would rest my legs some, so only 7,143 for today, but thats still good!)
Breakfast: Nothing
Lunch: Salad with leftover deer burger and ranch, small plate of nachos and chips/acv water
Supper: chili
Snack: none
45 min. devoted fitness(home) and total of 7,143 steps for the day
2 1/2 qts.
2 1/2 qts.
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Weekly weigh in and pic!! 2/6/14
So this morning I stepped on the scale and it said...........325 lbs. WOO HOOOOO!!!! Oh yeah...uh huh... lol Again, only 2 lbs. but 2 lbs. that I am glad to have conquered and no longer have to carry around!!! Another awesome point to note is that I am 1 lb. from my MONTHLY goal of 10 lbs. YAY! I would LOVE to beat that 10 lb. mark and go above and beyond it!! I am also starting to see a difference in my pictures :) Subtle....but SO there!
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Today has been a good day so far, just doing light cleaning trying to keep everything cleaned up. I have also been trying to beat several of my challenges on my striiv app. Lol, Heather kept looking at me weird because I'm pacing around the house like a crazy woman! Then she decided to join me for a little game of chase :) I had to miss gym this morning, but otherwise I am having a great day. I also plan to do my home "workout".... Not NEAR as fun as being in class, but it's still exercise and calories burned. Have I mentioned that I can't wait till spring. I have had my fill of cold weather I tell ya!
Breakfast: Spinach and eggs( no cheese), orange/ acv water <3
Lunch: Salad with mozzarella cheese and regular ranch/ acv water
Dinner: 2 taco lettuce wraps and chips with meat and cheese. I also indulged in 2 bites of Emma's cake.
Snack: I had one biscuit this morning in between breakfast and lunch, and I also had some spinach chips....they were ok, but I like kale chips a lot better.
10,182 steps
4 qt.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
So, yesterday I was pleasantly surprised at how good I felt. I mean I had energy!! I had PEP IN MY STEP!! lol....and I seriously think that it could be the acv water. I did have one cup of coffee yesterday, but I really don't think it was from that. So today....a little experimentation...No coffee. Just acv water and see how I feel... I would love to eliminate coffee from my diet! On another note, I found an app on my iphone that is a pedometer!! Oh yeah! I will love to see how many steps that I take in a day, or a good average at least. I have heard that 10,000 steps is a good target, so that is what I am aiming for :) Wish I would have found it before yesterday! I was running around all over this house! lol. I am also going to start keeping track of my water intake. I know one thing.... I will be GLAD when spring comes. All this cold weather puts a big damper on exercising! Grr... Update on App....it's amazing!! It is called Striiv and I LOVE it, it has challenges for you to complete and that alone had me moving like crazy today to accomplish them :) It can also sync with my fitness pal so they work together and I don't have to enter my exercise manually :):):)
Breakfast: Spinach and mozzarella scrambled eggs with 1 Tbsp. wheat germ on top and one orange with ACV WATER :)
Lunch: I had beef and cabbage soup with a small saucer of tortilla chips with cheese and 1 piece of chicken tenderloin on top./ acv water
Supper: I had pork tenderloin with mixed veggies/ acv water
Snack: I shared an orange with Emma and had a couple bites of a cereal snack that I made the kids to tie them over till supper.
45 min. of devoted fitness and all together I have walked 9195 steps today and I am SO going to reach my 10,000 before bed!
4 qts. acv/lemon water
I have felt amazing today....there is something DEFinitely in the water ;)
Monday, February 3, 2014
Good morning :) So yesterday I said that I was taking on the challenge of always keeping a water bottle with me and drinking!! I drank at least 3 qt. possibly 4 qts of water yesterday!! ( I really like the acv drink! ) Now I soooo paid for that last night while I was *trying* to sleep....I got up 4 or 5 times last night to go potty (mommy talk, lol) I was like REALLY??! You would have thought I was 9 months pregnant or something lol. Warning: TMI coming lol....I have also have also had several *other bathroom visits, so my thoughts are that the lemon/acv are really cleaning my body out. Which is totally awesome, though I might have to cut off my water at a certain time before bed...lol. A girl needs her sleep! I must say, the Lord has definitely taken several of my mountains and made them little bumps. I do not *crave* bad food anymore. Don't misunderstand me, I still could devilishly delight in wolfing down a bowl of ice cream, or over-indulge in a bag of Doritos....but the desire no longer consumes me. It no longer has it's grasp around my mind. I don't battle within myself anymore. I simply choose to not have it, and thats it. No gut-wrenching fight inside of me trying to control myself. I will add the disclaimer that this is the case *MOST* of the time. I have no doubt, that as I am presented with different foods here and there, certain ones I might experience that fight again, but it is a battle that I am winning, day by day! Praise God! He has done exactly what He done when I quit smoking. He has been faithful and gracious to me that when I have asked, He has made my burdens light. What a wonderful and loving God we serve. I wish I would have done this years ago. Why do we so often say Lord I will give you reign over this....but not that. Or we give Him some of our battles and yet others never think to ask Him for help. Or instead of asking for help to overcome our problems, we just want Him to *POOF* them away. I am thankful for His unconditional love as He patiently waits for His children to come to Him. Back when I was first saved, I would compare serving Him to a merry-go-round. You're either on (In God's control) or you're off (in your own control). You cannot ride with one foot on and one foot off, you will fall every time. It just doesn't work. In my own perspective, that is still SO true! If I step one foot off, I just fall off. Notice... you never fall ON a merry-go-round...only off. That is when my burdens get so heavy and my heart feels as though it can't take anymore! Then, I jump back on, and the Lord takes over and eases my heart. Thank You Father. Thank You!
Breakfast: 1/2 banana ( it was early and I went back to bed)
Lunch: A bowl of squash and cabbage soup/acv water, coffee
Supper: 2 deer burgers and the rest of my salad I had premixed. With one piece of chicken tenderloin sliced on it.
I was so intent on exercising, but I just ended up doing house chores all day.
3 qts. acv/lemon water
3 qts. acv/lemon water
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Today has been a good day, Sunday's always are. But this Sunday has been especially wonderful. I have been blessed with being able to help in the baptism ministry at our church. This morning I was able to help with 5 baptisms. This time it was even more special as I got to help an older lady(Tammy)and also a mother(Anna) and three of her children be baptized together. How wonderful! God is truly good! Also, I have taken on another challenge for myself. I bought myself a "special" water bottle. I plan to keep it with me all the time and drink, drink, drink! I also got a great drink recipe from a great friend of mine that has lemon and acv(apple cider vinegar) in it. Both are supposed to be good for weight loss and a number of other things. I have found that I REALLY like it! :) My devoted fitness class will be going to Wed. and Fri. during the month of February. A total BUMMER, but I completely understand that our instructor needs a little breather... She instructs 3 classes in Hoptown and 2-3 classes in Allensville a week. I would be EXHAUSTED! lol....My meals are going well I feel....I really need to work on the exercise though!
Breakfast: 2 bowls of mixed fruit.(mango, papaya, pineapple, honeydew melon)/ coffee, acv water
Lunch: Salad with 2 pieces leftover chicken sliced on top and a bowl of the leftover mixed fruit from ss/ acv water
Supper: 3 tilapia fillets w/ brown rice/ acv water
Snack: kale chips, 2 oranges
Snack: kale chips, 2 oranges
nada....it's Sunday...our day of rest :)
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Ahh, the first day of February. In 4 days my little Emma will be 1 year old and on the 9th l will be 33. 2 great reasons to keep going strong with my weight loss. I have so much to be thankful for. Especially for how my Father has helped this far and the knowledge that He will always be there for me. Praying that He will help and guide me to finish this week strong! :)
Breakfast: broccoli, mushroom, ham and cheddar egg bake
Lunch: deer burger and cabbage soup, orange, banana
Supper: 2 1/2 pieces of grilled chicken, broccoli and cheese, peaches (home canned)/ acv/lemon water
(1 qt.)
snacks: I had 4 pieces of that yummy low-brownie throughout the day... ( 1" squares)
(1 qt.)
snacks: I had 4 pieces of that yummy low-brownie throughout the day... ( 1" squares)
we literally were running all day, so other than walking around in goodwill, that is about all the exercise I got.
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