Monday, January 20, 2014

Monday January 20, 2014

Well, today starts a new week! I plan on weighing myself once a week, so I'll need to weigh myself Thursday. Getting ready to go to the gym this morning, sipping on some coffee. Oh how I love devoted fitness. I can seriously see myself later on, when I have lost all this weight, becoming an instructor. It has done so many wonderful things for me. I often get lost in worship while doing it, and there are soooo many times when I feel like stopping that the words in a song remind me of the God I serve and that through Him, I can do it. He gives me the strength I need to press on and keep going and then before I know it, I have completed the hour. It's amazing how when I am so lost in worship that I no longer feel fatigued, I start doing the moves as an act of worship and I lose the feeling of being tired, my muscles regain their strength, and I am just worshipping my maker!! The Lord is so awesome! Thank you Lord for allowing me to find devoted fitness!! 


Breakfast: 1 fruit and grain bar with water/coffee

Lunch: Salad and a yogurt parfait. water/coffee

Supper: Deer steak, corn, and green beans. Later, I had 2 oatmeal balls that I made.

I did almost 8 min. on the elliptical, 1 hr. devoted fitness, 2 reps of 12 on all weight machine, 1 rep of 20 on all weights, then another 10 min. on the elliptical. Feelin GOOD!!! 

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