Thursday, January 23, 2014

Weekly weigh-in and pic

:) Today I am officially 5 lbs. lighter!! I am now 329 lbs. I couldn't be more excited!! I am in the 20's now!!! NO GOING BACK!!! I decided to wear some more "fitting" clothes...*GULP* so that I can see a better difference over time. And I plan on wearing the same clothes every time I take them and *try to stand the same way. I tell you, I was totally stoked this morning when I got on the scale, and then I went and took my picture.... It kinda stole my stokeness away. I'm trying to not let it, as I know this is going to be a LONG journey and I am just starting....So I am doing my best to look forward in anticipation to the pictures that will follow in the next weeks and months. You know, you just never really feel you are as overweight as you really are....TILL you look at yourself in a picture, and you have a chance to slowly analyze what you see. After all, I don't really see myself in a full-length mirror that often...if ever. Though it hurts, I know that it is good. I know that if I keep going, the little changes will become evident, and over time, I can look back at my beginning pictures to where I am and be able to see the *HUGE* difference I long for. 5 lbs..... gone.... I pray the Lord would give me strength to have the same progress this week! 

329 lbs.!!

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