Saturday, January 18, 2014

It is sad really. I have found myself to be enslaved to food. Again, not that I eat massive amounts all the time, but it is really just sad how I have to battle within myself NOT to fall into the temptation. Watching everyone eat pizza tonight wasn't that bad at first because I had my yummy salad and I was eating it. It was later after everyone had eaten and went on about their way and I seen the "leftovers" no one wanted. I wasn't hungry, but I was DYING for a bite..or two...or three. I wish I could say I am VICTORIOUS!! But I'm not. I took a couple bites. Sigh. I realize that I am not going to conquer this devil in one day. So, though disappointed with my complete lack of self-control, I shall try again tomorrow. I do not like being a slave to anything but Christ! When I was smoking and decided that I needed to quit, the Lord was gracious. When I had a bad withdraw, I would pray for Him to take it from me. And He did. Just like that, my craving was gone. Later, I would have another, but I would pray again, and He would take it again. I need to do that now. I guess because I haven't viewed what I eat as something that is sinful, It hasn't even dawned on me while I am in my fixation mode to pray. Tomorrow shall be a great day to begin that practice. ESPECIALLY with breakfast tomorrow at church and lunch afterwards when we *usually go out to eat. Yes....I will need LOTS of prayer tomorrow! I can do ALL things through Christ! I can do this!

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