Saturday, June 28, 2014

The 1 week "Wonder Soup" diet

So I am sure that many of you have heard of this diet.... It consists of a cabbage soup that they give you the recipe for and then on each day you are allowed to eat only certain things and I will post how each day goes for me and what I'm allowed to eat. I'm really not bothered with eating vegetables so I'm looking forward to it, I don't think it's going to be an extremely hard diet for me, but we will see how I feel about it at the end of the week. Wish me luck and lots of pounds lost!

Here is a quick overview of the "Wonder Soup Diet"...

Wonder Soup recipe

•1/2 head of cabbage, chopped
•1 cup celery, diced
•1 cup white or yellow onion, diced
•1 cup carrots, diced
•1 green bell pepper, diced
•2-3 cloves garlic, minced
•4 cups chicken broth
•1 14oz. can of basil,oregano,garlic diced tomatoes
•1 tsp. oregano
•1 tsp. basil
•1/2 tsp. red pepper flakes
•Few shakes of black pepper
•1/2 tsp. salt(optional)

1. Heat 2 tbsp. of olive oil in a large pot over medium heat
2. Add celery, onions, bell peppers, and carrots.
3. Sauté until slightly tender and then stir in minced garlic.
4. Pour in chicken broth. 
5. Stir in tomatoes and cabbage
6. Bring to a boil and reduce heat, cook until cabbage is tender.
7. Stir in all spices.( I added mine while it was cooking so that the spices would permeate the food)
8. Taste and adjust seasonings as needed. 
9. Eat and enjoy!!

Day 1:
Only fruit today(except bananas) along with the wonder soup. 

Day 2:
Only veggies today(except corn or other starchy vegetables) and soup. It says you may have a baked potato for breakfast.

Day 3:
You may have fruits and veggies (minus the exceptions,and no potato...) along with soup. 

Day 4: 
Today is only bananas, milk and yogurt along with soup...( I am looking forward to this day)

Day 5:
Only tomatoes(6-8) and protein like fish, turkey, or chicken today along with soup... Mmmm... Bring on the meat!!

Day 6:
Today is protein and veggies day... Any vegetable(minus restricted) and same type protein with soup...

Day 7:
LAST DAY!! Today is fruits, veggies (minus restricted) and juices only with the wonder soup. 

Hope to be a lot lighter by this day!!!

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